Month: May 2019

The Positive Effects of Exercise on Mood

The Positive Effects of Exercise on Mood

Physical activity leads to both types of a good mood, positive high (feeling alert, excited and happy) and low (being calm, content and relaxed) activation. You can build optimism along with muscles. People who exercise regularly tend to be more hopeful and have greater self-confidence 

Mental Health Matters (Especially in May)

Mental Health Matters (Especially in May)

May is not only Mental Health Awareness Month, it also contains National Anxiety and Depression Awareness Week, which began on Sunday and will conclude this Saturday, May 18th; and National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day, which took place this year on May 9th. An individual’s 

Looking After Mental Health Caregivers

Looking After Mental Health Caregivers

With Mother’s Day rapidly approaching, it is important to remember that mental health challenges affect an entire family. It is common for those who have a relative with depression to face disruption in their own lives, especially if they are helping with daily tasks like