Month: April 2021

Digital Detox

Digital Detox

Even before the pandemic, many Americans were suffering from “infobesity” or a technology and news overload. Setting safe and healthy digital boundaries should be a priority, especially as students return to school buildings and hopefully spend less time in online classrooms. As part of a 

What to Expect With an Inpatient Hospitalization

What to Expect With an Inpatient Hospitalization

The purpose of inpatient stays is to stabilize individuals enough to be discharged to outpatient care. If a child has been referred to an inpatient facility from an emergency room (ER), he or she likely will be transported there by ambulance once an available bed 



Self-medicating refers to an individual’s attempts to deal with mental health issues, pain or intense emotions through the use of alcohol, drugs or other substances without the guidance of a medical professional. While it can lessen unwanted symptoms, such as anxiety, hopelessness, irritability and negative