National Recovery Month Spotlight on Alcohol Use Disorder

National Recovery Month Spotlight on Alcohol Use Disorder

National Recovery Month takes place in September to remind Americans that treatment helps individuals with mental and/or substance use disorders live healthy, rewarding lives. According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), which was conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental 

Dealing with Ongoing Quarantine

Dealing with Ongoing Quarantine

The experience of quarantine has varied greatly among adolescents. For some it has been an annoying disruption to their routines often resulting in forced family time. In contrast, others are confronting profound trauma like the illness or death of a loved one(s) and/or economic hardship, 

Attending College with ADHD

Attending College with ADHD

Individuals with depression have a rate of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis between 30 and 40 percent. ADHD is associated with poor executive functioning, which often results in disorganization; difficulties prioritizing, starting and completing tasks; challenges with memorizing facts, solving complex math problems and writing papers; 

Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive distortions are inflated, irrational beliefs and thoughts that skew a person’s perception of reality, typically in a pessimistic way. They are widespread, tend to occur automatically and habitually, and affect mental health by increasing depression and stress. For example, individuals with anxiety are more 

Improving Your Sleep Hygiene

Improving Your Sleep Hygiene

Sleep deprivation affects mental health and individuals with depression, Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, anxiety and other conditions are more likely to have sleep disorders like insomnia. A good night’s sleep not only increases emotional resilience, it also can help lessen the symptoms of mental health issues. To 

Time Management:  The Pomodoro Method

Time Management: The Pomodoro Method

Mental health conditions like anxiety, depression and Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can significantly impact your ability to manage time and leave you with large gaps when you overestimate how long something will take or the need to race to finish an item in the allotted span. 

Racial and Cultural Barriers

Racial and Cultural Barriers

July is Black, Indigenous and People of Color Mental Health Month (also known as National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month). Discrimination; larger family size; low-status, high-stress jobs; poverty; being a single parent and unemployment are all risk factors for depression and studies suggest that racial 

Developmental Assets

Developmental Assets

In 1990, the Search Institute, a nonprofit organization that conducts youth development research, identified forty developmental assets which children need to succeed. Developmental assets are internal and external factors that help to produce caring, healthy and responsible adolescents. Internal assets are strengths and values within 

Summer Activities for Better Mental Health

Summer Activities for Better Mental Health

The lack of structure that many families experience during Summer actually can worsen anxiety. For teens, a part-time job not only teaches the importance of having a work ethic and produces income, it also helps prevent boredom. Likewise, taking additional classes and/or having an internship 

Talking to a Friend or Loved One

Talking to a Friend or Loved One

Text messages to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Disaster Distress Hotline increased by more than 1,000 percent in April 2020. The pandemic has not only caused additional barriers for individuals already experiencing mental illness and/or substance abuse disorders, but also has negatively