Instilling Gratitude

Instilling Gratitude

The words you use, including should and must, can create your reality. By focusing on gratitude, individuals can recognize the goodness in their lives and feel connected to something larger than themselves, whether that is other people, nature or a higher power. Gratitude leads to 

Mental Health Apps

Mental Health Apps

Smart phone apps are available to track mental health symptoms and complete therapy inspired exercises. They can be excellent supplements to conventional forms of treatment. Mental health apps can teach you new skills, boost your mood and allow you to connect with other individuals who 

The Pet Effect

The Pet Effect

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pets and the unconditional love and nonjudgmental companionship they offer can help people living with depression and other mental health conditions. They improve their owners’ moods, help them manage and regulate their emotions, and lessen stress 

Questions to Ask Your Mental Health Care Provider

Questions to Ask Your Mental Health Care Provider

Mental health treatment works best when you have a partnership with your therapist. Being able to ask him or her questions is vital. While a clinician will help you develop coping and communication skills and deal with trauma and stressors, you are the best source 

Mental Illness Awareness Week

Mental Illness Awareness Week

The World Health Organization has designated October 10th as World Mental Health Day to raise awareness of and increase support in response to mental health issues. It occurs during Mental Illness Awareness Week, which takes place this year from October 6th through 12th. If there 



Feelings are mentionable and manageable. Do not worry about having negative emotions. Taking the time to process your feelings will help you get into a happier frame of mind faster and more easily. Being aware of your mental state also will allow you to figure 

Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Suicide often is the result of an untreated mental health condition. Eight out of ten teenagers who are considering suicide will write, draw, do or say something that a “gatekeeper” in their lives will notice. Being suddenly cheerful after 

Recovering from a Mental Health Disorder

Recovering from a Mental Health Disorder

This month is the 20th anniversary of National Recovery Month, which is sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration every September to raise awareness and understanding of mental health and substance use disorders and to celebrate the individuals who recover from them. 

Ways to Boost Girls’ Self-Esteem

Ways to Boost Girls’ Self-Esteem

From mid-adolescence onward, girls are more than twice as likely as boys to develop a mood disorder, like anxiety or depression. By the time family members and others notice a teenager’s anhedonia or lack of interest in most things, she typically has been depressed for 

Support for Siblings

Support for Siblings

Mental illness affects all members of a family. When one child is in crisis, the resulting stress can leave parents exhausted and other siblings feeling overlooked. Many brothers and sisters of individuals with mental health issues hide their own feelings and painful emotions, which can