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Screenless Gift Ideas

Screenless Gift Ideas

The National Cyber Security Alliance estimates that youth aged 8 to 18 spend approximately 7½ hours online each day navigating social media sites, such as Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Many are unaware that while they can change their personal information, erase pictures and posts 

Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse

Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse

Prescription drug misuse and abuse is when someone takes a medication inappropriately, including ones for which he or she does not have a prescription. One in four teenagers have misused or abused a prescription drug at least once, such as taking a friend’s Adderall. Substance 

Concussions and Depression

Concussions and Depression

Every year, approximately 4 million teenage athletes suffer a concussion. A history of concussions is associated with a more than threefold increase in the risk of depression for adolescents, and youth with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may have a greater chance of developing prolonged depression and 

Clean Up Your Calendar

Clean Up Your Calendar

In Northern Virginia, having a packed calendar and being perpetually busy are frequently viewed as teen status symbols. However, adolescents who experience depression and/or anxiety often find that their symptoms increase when they are overscheduled. A significant source of stress, overscheduling actually can make youth 

New Year’s Resolutions for Better Mental Health

New Year’s Resolutions for Better Mental Health

Planning can help make your resolutions and dreams become a reality. Take 10 minutes each morning or evening to break them into daily To Do items. Set clear priorities and specific goals, which are comprised of simple, achievable steps that include deadlines. Resolutions can be 

Personal Insights on Building Teen Resilience

Personal Insights on Building Teen Resilience

Escalating pressures from varsity sports, Advanced Placement courses and the trauma of losing two teammates to suicide early in high school led a now 21 year old to be unable to communicate with his family and friends. Because “athletes don’t show pain,” he could not 

How to Talk About Mental Health

How to Talk About Mental Health

While mental disorders, such as depression, are common, they often are misunderstood. When someone makes a “joke” about mental health issues, keep your response simple and calm. You can remind the speaker that stereotypes limit us all and that he or she probably would not 

Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy

The Project Horse Empowerment Center, located in Purcellville, Virginia, helps individuals with depression, anxiety and other social and behavioral issues. In a “community of mutual healing, benefit, respect and compassion,” clients and rehabilitated rescue horses engage in equine assisted therapy and experiential education. Individuals may 

Helping “iGen” Develop Healthy Relationships With Technology

Helping “iGen” Develop Healthy Relationships With Technology

“iGen” has been defined as youth who were born between 1995 and 2012 and whose childhoods have been influenced by the increasing presence of smartphones and social media. A 2017 study found that heavy users of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and other forms of social media 

Seeing a Social Worker for Therapy

Seeing a Social Worker for Therapy

Individuals struggling with mental illness often wonder if they should see a psychiatrist, a psychologist or a social worker. If they are interested purely in medication, treatment by a psychiatrist is necessary. For those who wish to receive therapy, Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs) can