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Harnessing the Power of Optimism

Harnessing the Power of Optimism

Optimism is a hopeful, positive outlook about yourself, the future and the world around you. It is a key part of resilience, the inner strength that helps individuals endure difficult times and experiences. When practicing optimism, remember to keep a flexible frame of mind. Expect 

Free Mental Health Survey

Free Mental Health Survey

During childhood, the number of boys and girls affected by depression is almost equal. However, in adolescence, twice as many females as males are diagnosed and more than one half of depressed teenagers of both genders will have a recurrence within seven years. While episodes 

Reducing Mental Health Stigma

Reducing Mental Health Stigma

Mental illnesses, such as Depression, are real, treatable health conditions. Despite this fact, stigma still exists for those who experience them. Mental health conditions are not a “phase” and they cannot be controlled or cured through willpower. Stigma often prevents youth and adults from seeking 

Ways to Prevent Youth Substance Abuse

Ways to Prevent Youth Substance Abuse

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, individuals diagnosed with mood or anxiety disorders, including depression, are twice as likely to suffer from substance dependence as the general public. Prevention is much easier than treating addiction and there are many ways to educate and 

Practicing Self-Care

Practicing Self-Care

When you are dealing with a mental health condition, being kind to and taking care of yourself can sometimes feel impossible. There are many easy ways to practice self-care, including the thirteen that appear below. 1. Take screenshots of messages from loved ones or friends, 

Planning for Mental Health Care Costs

Planning for Mental Health Care Costs

According to the World Health Organization, depression will be the second leading cause of disability worldwide by 2020 and the largest contributor to disease burden a decade later.  There are numerous mental health treatment options. Once you have identified the best one for your specific 

Participate in a Mental Health Research Study

Participate in a Mental Health Research Study

Participating in research is one of the best ways to improve mental health care. Often it helps individuals understand their own mental health conditions better and sometimes it provides medical care at no or a reduced cost. Informed consent, a process of ongoing communication between 

Special Needs and Depression

Special Needs and Depression

A 2012 study found that while approximately 6 percent of the general population experiences depression in any one year, up to 20 percent of those with learning disabilities do so. Youth with special needs other than depression are at a higher risk for the latter 

Combatting Depression with Laughter

Combatting Depression with Laughter

Studies have shown that laughter can powerfully affect physical and emotional health. It produces serotonin, which many scientists believe maintains mood balance, and creates additional endorphins, which act as both an analgesic and a sedative. In addition to serving as an effective distraction from anxiety, 

Disclosing Your Depression to Others

Disclosing Your Depression to Others

One reason to tell family and friends about your depression (or other mental health condition) is to receive encouragement and support, such as assistance in finding treatment or getting rides to your appointments. There is no right or wrong number of people to inform. If